Saturday, March 20, 2010

Sunny day book purchases

Happy first day of spring! I don't think I'll be burning any socks.

I did a bit of book shopping this morning, enjoying the sunshine, spring, and the relative settling of vitreous floater in my right eye (it is like looking through wax paper). I have missed enjoying reading books of all sorts, recreational reading and juvenile alike; hence the six week moratorium on book related blog posts. I managed to read the new J.D. Robb and Jayne Ann Krentz titles, Fantasy in Death and Fired Up, but it was a challenge. However, since I re-read my favorites numerous times, the second and third time through these titles will be like the first time.

But, I digress.

My morning travels included shopping for chocolate treats (worth the distance) and three books, Wild Ride, by Jennifer Crusie and Bob Mayer, Split Image, by Robert B. Parker, and Calvin and Hobbes Sunday Pages 1985-1995 from the bargain table. I love Calvin and Hobbes.

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