The autographed titles? I happened to be walking past a booth where Nikki Grimes was signing ARCs of her latest, A Girl Named Mister. and in the next aisle was Janet Mullany and her ARC Jane and the Damned. Both authors were extremely gracious with a smile and friendly word for each person in line.
Other ARC's included:
- The Clockwork Three
by, Matthew Kirby - Dark Song
by, Gail Giles - The Danger Box
by, Blue Balliett - Monster High
by, Lisi Harrison - Misty Gordon and the Mystery of the Ghost Pirate
by, Kim Kennedy - Exley
by, Brock Clarke - You Killed Wesley Payne
by, Sean Beaudoin
It remains to be seen how many I read, but the list is definitely more varied than ARCs from past conferences. There is one title missing, a book I read waiting for a session to begin ... if only I could remember the title.