Tuesday, August 29, 2006

LibraryThing: Is the honeymoon over?

I've been singing the praises of LibraryThing all over these last few weeks. Yes indeed, telling all who would listen how cool it is and what a great library blog widget it made for book lists. Blah, blah, blah ... that'll teach me.

This afternoon I was looking at the ever expanding list of recently read juvenile and YA titles on this blog and decided adding another LibraryThing collection would be a great idea. I would be able to highlight the juvenile books discussed and keep track of what I have read throughout the term. It also gives me an opportunity use the random book cover widget (love it) with juvenile covers. They are better looking than other covers and should look great. I gleefully made my widget choices and hesitantly wondered why only ONE book cover was showing.

Huh. Let the troubleshooting begin. I'm sure I can fix what is wrong.


I decided to go back into my library and make sure all of the covers were from Amazon (they should be and were) and chose the "change cover" option just in case. I reset the widget options ready to see the group of eight books. Again, only one book cover. Sure I liked Gil's All Fright Diner, but there are currently fifteen other books in the collection. I want to see eight of them.

Now I'm a bit peeved; I grab the code from the currently working LibraryThing widget and compare. Heck, maybe I hit a wrong button. With the exception of account names, the scripts are identical. I cut and paste the code and preview. Nothing. Still only one book. I check the display using IE and Mozilla, thinking it browser differences may apply. Nothing. Just great.

I've moved from slightly peeved (at work this afternoon), to irked (trying twice this evening), to downright cranky - and snarky - because my favorite toy has run amok.

I will let it go this evening and see if it miraculously repairs itself overnight.

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Anonymous said...

I love it when something that should take 10 minutes ends up taking all day. What fun!

My only advice is to wait a day, sometimes these things magically fix themselves.

-Karin (nirak.net)

Lynn said...

Exactly! I just checked again and still only one book will show in the widget I want to use. So, I concede defeat for the time being and chose a different widget.

I probably wouldn't be so cranky if the widget I already have wasn't working perfectly (thank you very much!).

Must be something with the covers ....