Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Blogger Beta, you have to be kidding

I know I keep blathering on about the paragraphs within the posts issue, but it really offends my anal, organizational, visual literacy, need for white space, sensibilities to have such messy looking posts appear out of the blue. While posting on another blog this morning I noticed something in the "edit html" view (because the other blog post created paragraphs correctly). If there is a <-- paragraph -- > and < /p > within the posts, followed by a space or break, the paragraph appeared after posting. Messing with the coding in the "edit html" version of a post does not do all that much and I only use it to enter the < -- p -- > code when <-- br --> is not working.

This glitch has to be a result of beta and the template I chose.

See, it worked.

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