Tuesday, February 05, 2008

New day, new widget

In what could be termed a woman verses machine scenario, I am pleased to report victory (of sorts). This morning I completed registration for a library AIM account to utilize in Meebo, but only after succumbing to the software registration demand. After receiving the same error message for creating a screen name - again and again - I determined it would be simpler to let it think it won; I downloaded the IM software, created an account, successfully imported the account information to the library Meebo account, verified it worked, and deleted the IM software from the computer. We now have three IM systems attached to our Meebo account and are ready to demonstrate the 2.0 technology at next weeks librarian meeting.

Next on my agenda is creating different widgets to enhance the library web site re-design. Students have asked for a calendar widget, something to display daily library hours and activities being held in the library (instruction classes, tours, use of the facility). Both Google and Yahoo! have calendar options that could be the basis for a widget fulfilling this request. Creation of library IM accounts in Google and Yahoo! to use with Meebo means we have access to their calendar capabilities as well.

I worked this afternoon with Google calendar and was less than satisfied with the results. After using Google's calendar options for widgets, I determined it would be simpler to use the calendar feed to create a supplementary widget script. As luck would have it, one of the library conference sessions I attended in late October features such a resource: Feed2JS or Feed to JavaScript. Easy to use, the results were not what I anticipated. I need to spend a bit more time with this web tool. I will do tests with both of the calendar functions, create sample widgets from each, and post them on the sample web site for group critique.

I would like to suggest a social bookmarking tool, such as del.icio.us, to create topic clouds for specific Internet resources but wonder if IM, chat, and a bold push for a library news blog will be more than the group can handle.

I realize recent posts have been technology topic heavy. Due mostly to my daily trials and tribulations with the library web site re-design, I spend a lot of time thinking about what has been accomplished and what yet needs to be done, using this blog as a sounding board. My brain is full of text and widgets and IM and chatting. I have been reading and ordering juvenile books, but with the exception of one discussion waiting patiently for days in blog draft format, have not taken the time to digest and post reviews. My ALA midwinter tote bag full of ARC's is sitting in my living room taunting me and my pile of checked out library books is overdue (I did fix that today). I am at an all time low with only four books on my record. This too shall pass. I work this weekend and have planned collection development lists and predict serious damage being made to remaining budgets. It will be a break from the fun, but draining, technology.

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