With that in mind, last week I stocked everyday necessities; rolls of laminating film, laserjet toner, cases of paper, and construction paper topped my list. This morning I meandered to our campus bookstore and dropped some dough on office supplies. In amongst my bags of paperclips, rubber bands, Crayola markers, and post-it notes was a brand new white 3-inch three ring binder. What's so special about a new binder? Usually nothing much, however this binder replaces my old library web site committee binder. Still a long way from putting pages to the server, I now need a bigger binder to keep track of meeting notes. Am I the only one who sees the irony?
I got a new calendar too. Wonder if I'm the only person left who still prefers a paper calendar?
I learned something new today; it is possible to buy postage stamps from automated postage machines for any domination. I had two articles accepted for publication in a book late last fall. One of the perks with having two accepted was getting a free copy of the book. Yesterday I received notice from the editor that the books had arrived and contributors needed to send $3.96 worth of stamps for shipping out the book. That's fair. Personally, I could not get beyond the visual of ten 42 cent stamps on a box and decided to see if the post office sold prepaid stamps or something of the sort. The automated machine allows you to buy stamps in any denomination between 1 cent and $286.00 (odd). Now I need to send my $4.00 stamp and an address label to receive my free copy. Cool.
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