Saturday, January 24, 2009

It's my Saturday

I'm tempted to add "and I'll cry if I want to," but there really is no reason since only two hours remain at the conclusion of my lunch break. It has been a normal Saturday for early in the "spring" semester; a few students, a chat question or two, and an abnormal amount of time working on a technology glitch, our style sheets are overpowering an outside vendor's sheets creating a visually unappealing mess. In short order I was able to assist students in person and in cyberspace. Naturally the technology glitch was another matter and took most of the morning to solve. I'm happy to report a compromise was reached, I used print screen to create an image header, and at this point all is well (though I am whiney the site css could not be used).

I have had a new first in my library job search/employment history. Most of the positions I applied for in recent years were initially located via the Internet; it's the convenient norm. I still look at professional journals and peruse while at conferences, but postings through ALA & ACRL's Joblist, Higher ED Jobs, and The Chronicles email list, have streamlined the process significantly. That said, it follows I have sent application materials (resume, CV, etc.) and set up phone interviews via email correspondance. Yesterday, however, I received a politely worded "rejection" letter via email (it followed a phone interview conducted before the holiday break). I'm not sure why it bothered me; after all, it means the same in an email as it does on official letterhead.

I wonder email notification is the new norm? It is as fiscally responsible as phone interviews, why not? Time will tell.

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