Monday, November 20, 2006

Post 200: Shameless self promotion

Today I moved, a conservative estimate, 60 shelves of children's books in the juvenile stacks. After underestimating the amount of room necessary to have at least 6 inches of space at the end of each shelf, I shifted the first 1/4 of the collection another two sections to the right. About half way through the move I decided to take a break and check mail from last Friday (I was in Columbus for a meeting) and meandered down to the director's office. Inside my box I found a large, padded, mailing envelope. I didn't think much of it until the boss said, "Now that you are published, will you still talk to the rest of us?"

Hooray! It was my very own personal copy, actually copies, of my peer reviewed journal article! I had almost forgotten about it, the article was accepted for publication in May of 2005 after all, but the envelope contained two copies of the journal itself and an interesting bonus, several copies of just my article bound alone. It's odd seeing my name in print, beyond what we do in the library. I find it even stranger that I will be able to search a database and find my article. Yes, I am a bit giddy, maybe even disproportionately so, about the whole concept.

I was glad it came today because I really did not want my milestone post #200 to be my Thanksgiving horoscope from blogthings.

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