Monday, December 17, 2007

Vitae this, vitae that

I have finally finished updating my personal page and have moved on to obsessing (nothing new there) about use of CV titles, tags, and format of the page. I Googled CV this afternoon and found various adaptable resources from colleges and universities; career service pages were promoting resumes and vitas. After awhile, they started to blur and one pithy tip stood out from the others - be to spell vitae correctly. I am somewhat disappointed by my alma mater, University of Pittsburgh, provided only linked information to other pages and did not provide samples of any sort; sad for a university that is touting itself in the newest magazine for being a top level facility for alumni. Be that as it may, here is some of what I found:

I have not read through everything I printed (thank heavens for duplex) as of yet. The next step will be determining if the headings I am currently using actually fit the information displayed. After the page is complete, I will take a serious look at the job openings that have caught my attention in the last weeks and determine where to go from here. There are questions to be answered. Use the vitae? Create new resumes? Submit electronically? Start working on updating that portfolio?

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