Thursday, June 22, 2006

New Orleans! Woo-hoo

Just walked ten thousand miles from the hotel to the convention center and I'm pretty sure I can say .... it's hot here. I've never been before so it's tough to say how the city looks comparitively speaking. However there are still definite signs of the hurricane and rebuilding efforts are under way. Everyone from the flight attendants to the hotel information desk has been very friendly and it's easy to see that the conference is a welcome event for the city.

The flight down was pretty uneventful (praise be). I sat next to a talkative young man on the first leg of the journey. He was headed to North Carolina for his first meeting with a client and traveling with his boss. The next leg of the journey started in Charlotte, NC. Naturally my flight landed as far from my connecting gate as possible. Literally the other end of the airport. No worries, I had plenty of time to get from one place to the other and still have time for an early lunch.

They have cool rocking chairs in the airport.

It's funny how readers find each other. I was sitting in the bording area and pulled out my new Janet Evanovich book Twelve Sharp and a woman, who looked amazingly like Evanovich (but wasn't) asked me if I ran to the store to get the title on Tuesday. That started a lively book conversation with three other librarians waiting to board the plane headed to New Orleans. It was pretty cool. And, the book is interesting as well. I'm about 3/4 of the way through thanks to several long plane rides today.

More later, must let someone else have a chance to play.

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