Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Dithering, packing, & waffling

Perhaps that title should be waffling, dithering, and packing; either way I am not getting much accomplished this evening. How so? I am currently dithering about what I should pack to wear with my lovely new black trousers the second day of the conference. I probably will determine it is necessary to take more than one option (so I have a choice Friday morning). If not, I will spend the day resigned to the fact I look like a lump all the while viciously wishing I had chosen the other top, shirt, blouse, and/or sweater. In the big scheme of things it is not that important, but you never know when the weird vanity gene will surge to the forefront. Because I am dithering about what to take, I have also decided to put off packing for this short, overnight trip, until morning. Then if I change my mind concerning what I have already selected(and ironed) to wear tomorrow it will not be too late to change what goes into the overnight bag.

Some days I am just a bit too neurotic for my own good. Especially considering my mantra about how people look; someone will always look better, someone will always look worse, I am fated to land in the middle. Be that as it may ....

I am waffling, of course, concerning the new library web page design. Up to this point I have been content to know I would be able to duplicate, simplistically speaking, one or two of the more sophisticated looking library web sites. I say up to this point because this afternoon I was leafing back through my notes from the Dreamweaver workshops I took last fall and stopped on the page concerning layers. Yes, layers and how Dreamweaver can easily convert tables to layers, making it a simpler matter to attach style sheets to templates. On my way out of the library at the end of today the last thing I grabbed from my office was the workbook. Sometime this weekend I will take a second, and a third, look at the assignment.

The second bit of waffling is the article due in two weeks. I have yet to put serious pen to paper, rather typing to word processor, beyond the point to transferring the poster session information from it's current web home to Word. This weekend I must craft the abstract and a rough draft of the article. It is imperative I do not flub (great word, flub) this opportunity. Since I have not done a great deal of library research, and shame on me for that statement, chances to be published based upon previous presentations and work are not commonplace. Write, write, write.

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