Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Chatting about live tech service

Now that I have brand new Office 2007 software on my computer, it was time find out why my computers wireless connection mysteriously disappeared last week. There was a campus power outage over a weekend and viola, no wireless on my computer the following Monday. I tried the repair option and my computer told me, figuaratively speaking, that it could not locate my IP address.

A quick help ticket this morning resulted in a phone call and subsequent conversational chatter with the IT technician (aka "snotty" help desk specialist -must get the term correct) who is freaking because he thinks I am transcribing our conversation onto this blog. I'm not ... not really. It just sounds like it because he can hear the typing as we talk and paranoia is abound. After watching him trouble-shoot from I.T. - kind of like the chat reference option when it worked - and a bit of showing off because he could open my CD drive from there, the technician from yesterday left the office CD in the drive, it was determined more action is needed.

My computer is free. Back to work.

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