Saturday, May 06, 2006

Little Ducks, Tim McGraw, and comments

There is a small pond, of sorts, out back. It makes for a nice porch/deck view. Living in the pond is a community of ducks, and what I've since learned are Canadian geese (my aunt informed me while calling me a "city girl" in scathing tones). All I know is the geese are as big as small dogs so it's a good thing we aren't allowed pets ... they'd be doomed. Anyway, earlier this week I saw the cutest little family with baby ducks. Keep hoping to snap a picture but they are in hiding. Probably camera shy.

Broke down and picked up the Tim McGraw greatest hits CD this afternoon. Pretty slick those record companies. Put out an artists greatest hit CD and slap in a couple of new tunes. That way a consumer who has all the CD's compiled on the greatest hit CD has to get the greatest hit CD as well. Sigh. It's in my car right to put me in a good mood to and from work.

And, to Dee who commented on the Toby Keith tune in my last post's title, I am SO JEALOUS that you have been to Toby Keith's I Love this Bar and Grill in Las Vegas (yes, I know the link goes to his OK bar, the Vegas links weren't as good as this one). Toby Keith is a favorite of mine and can't wait until his tour heads my way again this summer. I've seen him the last four years. Yee-haw.

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