Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Part deux: Naked conversations

I continue to read this book at my local Subway restaurant (eat fresh!) while lunching, which I recommend for several obvious reasons, and am now up to chapter 10 "Doing it Wrong." This chapter has great anecdotes and examples of how marketing geniuses have created "lame blogs." Reading through some of the misguided efforts instill the ever popular what-were-they-thinking response.

Two insights at the beginning of the chapter caught my attention:

"No one wrote the official blogging rule book. There are no blogging police, and you can do just about anything you want with your blog" (Scoble/Israel, p.149).

"One simple rule for doing it right is be real. If you are going to blog, be authentic. Keep your conversations naked. Let people know who you are and where you are coming from"(Scoble/israel, p. 149).

The blogging I do here is simply for my enjoyment. Blogs I do at work are of a professional nature, but they do reflect my personality and what I want to convey to the reader. Additionally, my work/professional blogs deal with library and education topics that benefit from looking closely at marketing of the institution. Teachers considering blogs for the classroom need to remember to be themselves as well or the blog could fail simply because it isn't a true reflection of their goals. Education is an outcome based marketing business.

Oh, why is it obvious this book is a great lunchtime companion? Do you have any idea how many second glances you get when reading a book titled Naked Conversations? It always takes a while for other lunch diners to notice the subtitle. Clever and subtle marketing ploy? You be the judge.

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